Environment officer in Wyndham role

Wyndham's environment and sustainability portfolio holder Heather Marcus, western region MP Cesar Melhem, EPA local environment protection officer Michelle Walker and mayor peter maynard. photo: supplied

An Environment Protection Authority (EPA) officer is helping Wyndham council respond to issues such as illegal

Local environment protection officer Michelle Walker began working with the council last week.

Under a $4.8 million state government pilot program, 11 EPA officers have been signed up to assist several Victorian municipalities with responding to smaller-scale and low-risk waste and pollution, illegal dumping, litter and noise, dust and odour complaints arising from business and industry.

Ms Walker’s duties will include information and education activities to support the prevention of pollution and inspections of premises.

Ms Walker was welcomed to Wyndham last week by mayor Peter Maynard, environment and sustainability portfolio holder Heather Marcus and western region MP Cesar Melhem.