Students at Dohertys Creek P-9 College in Truganina have been demonstrating their artistic talent to promote active travel.
The college recently held an active travel art competition which encouraged students to create artwork that promotes active travel with an environmentally-friendly focus that can be printed on posters and attached to the school fences.
The competition was a joint initiative of the school and Wyndham council, with Dohertys Creek principal, Tammy-Jo Richter and PE teacher, Neville Stephens, working closely with council’s sustainable transport officer to bring it to fruition.
As part of the competition, designs were submitted by students from prep to year 7 and a winner from each year level was chosen.
The winners of the competition were: prep – Vihaan, year 1 – Elina, year 2 – Kyrie, year 3 – Anshika, year 4 – Aarish, year 5 – Aadhya, year 6 – Jazlynn and year 7 – Fizaa.
Wyndham councillor Adele Hegedich recently visited the college to hand out certificates to the winners.
The successful students also received prize packs including gift cards, water bottles and funky shoelaces.
The winning designs will be printed on to posters and attached to the school fence located along Elmhurst Road in the coming weeks for everyone to see.
Dohertys Creek P-9 College currently has 35 per cent of students actively travelling to school each day and is one of a number of schools supported by Wyndham council to promote active travel and other initiatives designed to achieve better health outcomes.
Active travel is known to have a range of positive health benefits for students including enhanced concentration, improved physical health and increased community connections.