Community centres across Wyndham are uniting to support people experiencing
homelessness by holding a donation drive.
Personal care items and long-life food items donated in the drive will then be distributed in dignity packs to those in need.
The dignity pack donation drive is being coordinated by Wyndham council in the lead up to Homelessness Week from Monday, August 5 to Sunday August 11.
Homelessness and hardship can be caused by many factors: financial stress,
mortgage stress, shortage of affordable housing, unemployment, relationship
breakdown, family violence, physical and mental health issues and substance abuse.
In the 2021 Australian Census, 30,660 Victorians were without a home including
6,800 children.
Wyndham mayor Jennie Barrera, said all community centres in Wyndham will be accepting donations between June 3 and August 5.
“Donations are needed,” Cr Barrera said.
“Essential items such as toiletries including shampoo, conditioner, soap, moisturiser, face washers, towels, blankets, shaving equipment, new underwear, beanies, scarves, and female sanitary items can be donated. Long life food products including tin and canned items, soup, rice and noodles can be donated.”
Cr Barrera called on Wyndham residents to show their generosity to the less fortunate in the community.
“We can all do something to help those experiencing homelessness,” she said.
“If you can, please donate a personal care item. It is a small gesture that can make a
difference to people experiencing homelessness.”
Volunteers are also needed to help assemble the dignity packs and those interested are encouraged to contact the Dianella Community Centre.
To learn more about Wyndham City’s Homelessness Week donation drive and to
find out where you can donate or help visit: