DonateLife is calling for more eye and tissue donors, reminding Australians that you do not need to die in hospital to be considered for these donations.
DonateLife is an agency responsible for organ and tissue donation across Australia.
Tissue that can be donated includes:
. Skin
. Parts of the eye, such as the cornea and sclera
. Heart valves and other heart tissue
. Bones, tendons and ligaments.
According to DonateLife, eye and tissue donation can occur up to 24 hours after death and outside of a hospital, meaning many more Australians can become tissue donors than organ donors.
It also said that bone tissue is the most transplanted tissue in Australia, and long bone tissues can be used to replace those destroyed by cancer, while smaller sections of bones can be milled and used to fill areas where bone has been lost (for example, in the spine).
Tissue donation saves and transforms lives in many ways.
This includes saving burns victims, restoring sight, repairing heart abnormalities in babies and adults, rebuilding tendons and reconstructing bones.
Last year, 2,486 Australians received the gift of sight through a corneal transplant.
An additional 9,904 people received tissue transplants.
DonateLife said that that it thanks all living and deceased donors who gave the life-changing gift of donation.
Details: www.donatelife.gov.au/get-involved/eye-and-tissue-donation-awareness