Wyndham council is hosting a free volunteer expo this Saturday featuring a range organisations across all sectors to which people can contribute.
Held at the Encore Events Centre from 10am to 2pm on May 11, the expo will feature representatives from volunteer organisations who will be on hand to provide information, answer questions and have a chat about the various roles they offer.
Wyndham mayor Jennie Barrera encouraged anyone interested in volunteering to come along.
“Volunteering has many benefits and is a great way to get involved in the local community, make a difference, build social connections, learn new skills and can be
a pathway to employment,” Cr Barrera said.
“Volunteering brings people together, it builds communities and creates a better society for everyone.”
An example of the wide variety of organisations at the expo, is the childhood literacy charity Story Dogs.
A program where students read to dogs to overcome fear and anxiety, Story Dogs has been operating in Wyndham since 2013 and currently has six volunteers in the area.
Among them is Roz Borg who volunteers by conducting one on one reading sessions between students and her staffy Dora.
”I love volunteering for Story Dogs,” said Ms Borg.
“I love the program and making a positive impact in children’s learning. It is so rewarding, helping children and encouraging them to read.”
One of the children Ms Borg and Dora has been helping is eight year old Grade 2 student, Cyril.
“Dora is so cute and makes me feel happy when I read” said Cyril.
“I like patting Dora and she loves me reading to her.”
To inquire about Story Dogs: karenk@storydogs.org.au