Demand for assistance increases

Christine Mackaness and Rita Mastin prepare boxes of goods for the Birdcage Community Store. Photo by Damjan Janevski. 239553_02

By Alesha Capone

A volunteer-run initiative at the Wyndham Park Community Centre in Werribee is supplying about 160 hampers to people in need every week.

The Birdcage Community Store, which is held every Thursday, usually allows attendees to select what food and items they need – much like a regular shop.

However, community store co-ordinator Christine Mackaness said that due to rising cases of COVID-19, volunteers have instead been packing food into hampers to minimise interaction and maintain social distancing.

Mrs Mackaness said that when she first became involved with the community centre in July 2019, they were giving out about 40 food hampers every week.

Now that total stands at about 160 hampers every week, although Mrs Mackaness said has this figure has fallen to about 135 hampers per week across the New Year period.

“Some people just dip in and out, sometimes people come when they have lost a job because of the impact of COVID or had their hours cut,” she said.

Asylum seekers, refugees, single mothers and pensioners are among those who visit the community store.

“Homeless people come in from Werribee, they have now been put into accommodation because of COVID, and they are cooking their own food at these facilities, so they are coming to get food from us,” Mrs Mackaness said.

In partnership with Wyndham council, the community store also provides hampers to residents who have COVID-19 or have to isolate at home.

Mrs Mackaness said that the grocery shortage impacting supermarkets has been affecting the community store, including a lack of fruit and vegetables.

She said that FoodBank Australia, from where the community store obtains some of its supplies, has put a cap on how many food items organisations can order.

“That really has an impact on what we can pack in the boxes,” Mrs Mackaness said.

Mrs Mackaness said the Birdcage Community Store would appreciate both more volunteers and donations of goods, such as pantry staples like pasta and rice, nappies, toilet paper and toiletries.

“We’re very grateful to the people liked the United Sikhs who help us, Wyndham city council and the CWA (Country Women’s Association),” she said.

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