Crowd can’t capture carp

One of just two carp caught for the day. (supplied)

The second annual Catch a Carp: Come & Try Fishing Day took place at Manor Lakes Reserve on Saturday November 25.

Run by the Werribee River Association, the event is aimed at promoting the removal of carp from local waterways, while allowing experienced anglers to share their knowledge with beginners.

The Werribee River Association’s Jess Fairfax said while the carp weren’t biting on Saturday, an enjoyable day was still had.

“It was a great turn out with a wonderful community feel,“ Ms Fairfax said.

“Although only two carp were caught, it was still a fun day with many people, young and old, able to learn new fishing skills from our experienced volunteers. Dreambuilders ran a delicious barbecue and many new friends were made.“

Considered a pest due to their destructive feeding habits, carp populate areas rapidly, with a 4–5 kg carp able to produce over 1 million eggs.

Removing them from waterways is known to increase native fish numbers and improve water quality.