By Alesha Capone
A program that offers cricket for people with special needs, including those with a disability and senior citizens, is coming to Hoppers Crossing.
Titled Walking Cricket, the program will be run at Hoppers Indoor Sportz, in partnership with National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provider Harmony Home and Community Care and coaching academy Cricket with Khawaja.
The initiative was the idea of Farooq Dar, whose four children – Taimur, 17, Taaha, 16, Aiela, 12, and Aahil, 10 – play at Sanctuary Lakes Cricket Club and Hoppers Indoor Sportz.
Mr Dar, who is also a coach at Sanctuary Lakes, said he found out about Walking Cricket while volunteering with an organisation that works with people who have special needs.
“The idea is to provide an opportunity to people with special needs to play the great game of cricket, have fun, develop friendship and keep themselves fit,” Mr Dar said.
In Walking Cricket, players walk around to bowl, field and while taking runs.
Matches are run by support workers and cricket coaches.
Hoppers Indoor Sportz plans to offer the program on days and times which suit attendees.
While Walking Cricket is covered under the NDIS, anyone can join up.
“I would encourage anyone irrespective of their abilities or skills to come and try out the game,” Mr Dar said.
Hoppers Indoor Sportz owner John Almond said he was hoping to extend the Walking Cricket program to include other sports and activities.
A free Walking Cricket come and try day will be held at Hoppers Indoor Sportz on Monday, July 19 from 2-4pm.
Details: hoppers.spawtz.com/registration/leagues, info@hhacc.com.au or 1300 063 718.