A new Werribee primary school has revealed how its future pupils’ uniforms will look.
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School is being constructed on corner of Treeve Parkway and Fairhall Avenue within the Harpley Estate.
St Joseph’s $5.7 million stage one construction will be completed in mid-November ahead of foundation orientation days to be held on November 18 and 25.
The stage one construction will cater for 200 students, with eight learning spaces over two storeys,as well as specialist learning areas and administration facilities.
The school will be completed across a further two stages and will have a final school population of about 500 students.
Principal Shelley Ryan said the community had worked together to create a contemporary uniform that she hoped would be worn with pride by St Joseph’s pupils.
“We hoped to create a sense of belonging in wearing our uniform to have fun, to play and be timeless,” Ms Ryan said.
“We will set high expectations for our students and ensure that we are unified through our uniform which reflects our school motto: Spirit of Unity: Respect. Courage and Kindness.”
Ms Ryan said while enrolments at the school have been very strong, there were still places available for next year.
She said the school was keen to assure families that it would be providing additional support to pupils next year to take into account disruptions arising from COVID-19.
The school will be providing emotional support and wellbeing check-ins for pupils and their families, and will also be looking for opportunities for families to come together through assemblies and picnics, if permitted.
Families interested in attending St Joseph’s can visit sjwerribee.catholic.edu.au, email enquiries@sjwerribee.catholic.edu.au or call 0401 098 722.