Crafty cafe is not just for kids

The Craft and Caffeine team Lisa Ze'Lavell, Bianca Hosemans, Keira Hosemans and Kerstin Hosemans. Photo: Damjan Janevski

A close-knit group of women run the Craft and Caffeine cafe in Hoppers Crossing, where colourful crochet and other creative items abound.

Mother Bianca Hosemans runs the cafe, along with her daughter Keira, sister Kerstin and their friend Lisa Je’Lavell.

Ms Hosemans said they opened the cafe about 18 months ago, inspired by her late mother, who loved crocheting and crafts.

The cafe offers activities for children and families that include painting, storytimes, school holiday programs and “smarty pants” science-based craft sessions – usually for the cost of a gold-coin donation.

Children can draw in chalk on the pavement out the front of the cafe and play with supplied hula hoops or skipping ropes.

Ms Hosemans said the local community had been generous in its support.

“We get toy donations, craft materials … people have bought in sugar, kids clothes,” she said. “We have even been given an oven.

“We feel overwhelmed with community support and couldn’t have made it this far without help.”

She is in the process of applying for the cafe to become a non-profit organisation.

Ms Hosemans said that she, Keira, Kerstin and Lisa all worked other jobs to pay the bills at the cafe.

“We all work here because we love it,” Ms Je’Lavell said.

Craft and Caffeine is located at 16A Herbert Avenue, Hoppers Crossing, and is open on weekdays. See Craft and Caffeine on Facebook for details.