Council endorses annual report

Wyndham Civic Centre. (Damjan Janevski) 255196_02

Wyndham council formally endorsed its 2021-22 Annual Report at a council meeting on October 26.

The Annual Report is a legislated document, presented to the state government which provides insight into how council is tracking against the aspirations and actions outlined in the Council Plan 2021-25.

Wyndham council mayor Peter Maynard said the report enabled an opportunity to reflect on the challenges and successes of the year.

“We’ve shown success as an organisation to continue delivering programs and events that our community loves, despite the impacts of COVID-19,” he said.

“We delivered 39 major events, with close to 40,000 attendees and 130 arts and culture programs were held.

“We delivered 30,318 maternal and child health visits and connected over 800 residents to local services and support, while additionally delivering more than 32,000 meals and provided over 20,000 hours of group services for older residents.

“Annual reports always have a lot of numbers – it’s good to quantify our achievements but our biggest achievement is seen in how our community is seeking support when necessary and living life to the fullest.”

Council’s services to the community are measured as part of the Local Government Performance Reporting Framework and presented in the Annual Report, along with Community Satisfaction Survey results and audited financials.

Council’s overall performance for 2021-22 was measured at 6.64 in the Annual Community Satisfaction Survey, which is categorised as ‘good’.
