Consultant to consult council on community consultation

Wyndham Civic Centre. Photo by Damjan Janevski. 255196_01

Cade Lucas

Wyndham council will employ a consultant to assess community submissions to its Draft Wyndham Plan, after an amendment to block the move was narrowly defeated at a meeting of council on Tuesday July 25.

Wyndham mayor Susan McIntyre was forced to use her casting vote to defeat the amendment brought by councillor Josh Gilligan, who argued employing a consultant to assess community feedback would be a waste of money.

“I don’t believe that we need to get someone else from outside the organisation to tell us what I can read for myself, ” said Cr Gilligan who claimed the consultant could cost up to $20,000 and set a precedent.

The amendment was seconded by councillor Robert Szatkowski who said it was an example of the ‘scourge of consultancy’ where consultants are employed to do work that could be done by public servants.

He said in assessing the submissions, the consultant would simply provide another opinion.

“All you’re getting is a third opinion. Opinions on opinions on opinions.”

The draft plan sets out how the city depicted in the Wyndham 2040 Community Vision can be achieved and what that will involve.

Public consultation on the draft plan took place from November 2022 to March 2023, with more 700 written submissions being received and nearly 200 people attending a series of information sessions.

Speaking against the amendment, councillor Marcel Mahfoud said the scope of the Draft Wyndham Plan meant it required a third party view, while councillor Peter Maynard called it a ‘prudent step’ that was no different to council requesting a panel report.

While the amendment failed, a subsequent amendment by Cr Szatkowski that the words ‘published in full’ be added to ensure the consultant’s report be made public, was supported.

The Draft Wyndham Plan Community Engagement Report itself was then passed, with only Cr Gilligan and councillor Adele Hegedich voting against.