Seven community groups joined forces to raise money for the Cancer Council at the Point Cook Community Learning Centre last week.
Participants shared coffee, tea and cake while raising money as part of Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea on Wednesday 22 May.
Wyndham Council staff from the Neighbourhood Hubs team helped organise the event.
Organisations represented at the morning tea were the Point Cook Cross Cultural Connection, Point Cook Indian Seniors Group, Melbourne Yangtze Choir, Multicultural Women Victoria – Women’s Circle, Point Cook VIEW Club, Point Cook Seniors Group and the Point Cook Craft Group, which donated $1000 from selling their handiwork.
After weeks of planning, members of these groups generously donated their home baked delicacies, brought in their teapots and cake stands for over 130 community members to enjoy a high tea amid an ambiance of yellow and blue.
Keeping with the theme, some participants also crocheted yellow daffodils for everyone to wear.
The Werribee South CWA opened the day with a special performance of the Shania Twain song Man! I Feel Like A Woman!
One participant said the event was a “wonderful example of different groups coming together in collaboration, sharing their strengths and resources which resulted in a joyful day, remembering those who have been impacted by cancer“.
Thanks to the generosity of the community, the event raised $3643.54 at last count, with more still coming in. Sponsors included Point Cook Woolworths, Coles and Bakers Delight.