Community helps shape reserve

206171_01 Wyndham Vale North Reserve

Esther Lauaki

The future development of Wyndham Vale North Reserve is a step closer.

A 10-year master plan for the recreation reserve, located on Honour Avenue and Black Forest Road in Wyndham Vale, was adopted at this month’s council meeting. It will include three new soccer pitches, two new cricket ovals, three new cricket nets and exercise equipment suitable for people of all age groups.

The first stage of construction will upgrade the community pavilion with modern, comfortable changeroom facilities for players and officials.

Sports development portfolio holder Cr Peter Maynard said community members provided key feedback on the plan during the consultation phase last year.

“I am pleased to confirm council is planting more indigenous trees on site and installing bike racks as a direct result of community input,” Cr Maynard said.

“And more broadly, we are upgrading this reserve for soccer and cricket facilities in line with the Wyndham Sports Strategy 2045, which community members also contributed to.

“Wyndham is a sporting community and that’s why council is committed to ensuring we have top-class sporting facilities right across the municipality.

“These upgrades will ensure Wyndham Vale’s soccer and cricket teams can grow and thrive and the play equipment will encourage children, parents and grandparents to get active together and embrace their sense of adventure.”

The reserve will also include floodlighting, cricket practice nets, extensions to the shared pavilion including change rooms, new barrier netting and landscaping.

Stage two of the masterplan will include changes to the Iramoo Community Centre, Iramoo Kindergarten, Iramoo Scouts, a CFA Shed and parkland. Planning for this stage will occur sometime in the future.