Baha’is of Wyndham
Baha’is Children’s Classes are held 11.30am every Saturday at the Point Cook Community & Learning Centre (Room 1). Children’s classes nurture the tender hearts and minds of children through stories, games, arts and music. Walk-ins welcome
■ Raksha 0437 999 920
Baha’is of Wyndham
Soul Food at the Point Cook Community & Learning Centre (Room 1).
Held every Saturday between 10.30-11.30am, Soul Food provides a space for people of all backgrounds to share ideas and promote intellectual growth and development.
■ Raksha 0437 999 920
Werribee Jazz Club
Meet on the second Sunday of the month from 2pm to 5pm for 3 hours of great music, dancing or relaxed listening to some of Australia’s best jazz musicians playing, traditional, dixieland, swing, RnB and mainstream jazz. BYO nibbles, drinks available at moderate bar prices with complimentary tea and coffee.
Located at the Werribee Bowls Club, Watton Street, Werribee. Entry $22.00
■ Jenny 0419 558 481
A social club for retired or semi-retired people. We have a broad range of social activities to suit all interests such as lunches and brunches each month, day trips, theatre outings and longer trips away. We have interesting speakers and our aim is to encourage friendships and support for each other. We meet on the second Tuesday of each month at Iramoo Community Centre, Honour Ave, Wyndham Vale. Meetings commence at 1.00pm.
■ Judy Marsh 0411 034 311 wcpc1306@gmail.com
Point Cook Combined Probus Club
Retired or semi-retired people are invited to join this active social group. Enjoy an impressive and interesting monthly guest speaker. Interesting monthly outings, and fortnightly lunches where the development of friendships are encouraged. The Point Cook Combined Probus Club meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 10 a.m. at The Brook Point Cook, 215 Sneydes Road, Point Cook.
■ Cathy Guiterrez 0421 188 129 or emai:cathyguiterrez@tpg.com.au
Lions Club
The Lions Club of Point Cook meets at the Featherbrook Community Centre on the third Monday of the month at 7.30 pm. The club is seeking to grow the Lions free vision screening in schools team. Volunteers needed to work with the region’s schools in combating undiagnosed children’s vision issues. You do not have to be a Lions member but must obtain a working with children check.
■ Robert Eyton, 0417 549 684 or robeyton@bigpond.com
Werribee Jazz Club
Join the Werribee Jazz Club on the second Sunday of the month from 2-5pm, for three hours of great music, dancing or relaxed listening. You can enjoy live bands featuring some of Australia’s best jazz musicians playing traditional, dixieland, swing, R’n’B and mainstream jazz. BYO nibbles, drinks available at moderate bar prices with complimentary tea and coffee. We are located at the Werribee Bowls Club, Watton Street, Werribee. Entry: $22.
■ Jenny, 0419 558 481
Adult drumming classes
If you ever wanted to try out your rhythmic skills, the first class is free and concessions apply for other classes. All hand drums supplied or BYO. No experience required, just bring an open heart and mind and enjoy making some great rhythms together. The class is friendly and welcoming to everyone. Thursdays, 7.30-8.30pm, during school terms, at Saltwater Community Centre, 153 Saltwater Parade, Point Cook.
■ 0411 028 077 or bfmusic15@gmail.com
Wyndham Ladies Probus
Retired or semi-retired ladies are invited to join this very active social group. Enjoy impressive monthly guest speakers, interesting monthly outings and many lunches where the development of friendships is encouraged. The Ladies Probus Club of Wyndham meets on the first Wednesday of each
month at Hotel 520, Sayers Road, Tarneit, at 10am.
■ Pat 0411 316 795
Laverton Community Choir
The choir is currently welcoming new members – especially male voices. If you love singing and would like to be part of a choir – come along and try out your vocal cords. There are no auditions and you don’t need to be able to read music. The group meets on Thursday evenings during school terms at Laverton P12 College, 91 Bladin Street, Laverton, from 7-9pm.
■Sue, 0418 386 147 or lavertoncommunitychoir@gmail.com
Vegetarian cooking classes
The Vegetarian and Cultural Association is a non-profit organisation that promotes vegetarianism and principles of a humanitarian way of life. They run cooking classes at Manor Lakes Community Learning Center every first Saturday of the month from 9.30am-12pm.
Point Cook VIEW
The Point Cook Day VIEW Club (for ladies) meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month at the Point Cook Library, 1-21 Cheetham Street, Point Cook. Members enjoy afternoon teas and outings. New members welcome. VIEW Is part of the Smith Family.
■ Catherine, 0407 726 852.
Watton Group
A support group providing a social space for carers to get together in a safe and compassionate environment. Gives carers an opportunity to connect, share their experiences and offers emotional and practical support. The group meets at the Eco-Living Centre at 10am, every fourth Tuesday of the month.
■ Patricia, 0434 487 360, or wattongroup131@gmail.com.
All Abilities Netball
All Abilities Netball for 10-to-25-year-olds is run by Wyndham Netball Association every Saturday morning during school terms, from 10.30am, on outside court 14 at Eagle Stadium, Ballan Road, Werribee. Intellectual, physical and social disabilities are catered for in a fun and supported group. Come and try your first session for free, with stadium entry $2.
■Phil, 0437 078 739
Walking Netball
Walking Netball is a low impact, no running, no jumping version for those that love the fun, friendship and activity of a weekly game of netball. Sessions are run every Thursday during school terms, from 8pm, at Eagle Stadium, Ballan Road, Werribee. Come and try your first session for free, with stadium entry $2.
■Phil, 0437 078 739
Wyndham Rotary
Wyndham Rotary welcomes people interested in helping people in need in the community. Interested in finding out more, come to the Italian Sports Club each Wednesday at 6.30pm for a meal, to share ideas and to work for a common cause.
■ Julie, 0406 196 630
With One Voice Wyndham Choir
With One Voice Wyndham Choir is a community choir open to all. The community choir welcomes all ages, abilities, faiths, cultures and genders and is directed by a very experienced and friendly professional conductor. Fun weekly rehearsals and amazing performance opportunities are provided. They sing for an hour and then have a cuppa. The first two visits are free; and then payment is by tax-deductible donation. Tuesday evenings, 7-8.30pm, at Wayaperri House, 106 Duncans Road, Werribee.