Want your event listed? Community Calendar is made available free of charge to not-for-profit organisations to keep the public informed of special events and activities. Send item details to Star Weekly Community Calendar, Corner Thomsons Road and Keilor Park Drive, Keilor Park, 3042, or email to westeditorial@starweekly.com.au by 9am Wednesday the week prior to publication.
Point Cook VIEW
The Point Cook Day VIEW Club meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month at the Point Cook Library 1-21 Cheetham Street, Point Cook. New members welcome.
■ Catherine, 0407 726 852.
Watton Group
A support group providing a social space for carers to get together in a safe and compassionate environment. Gives carers an opportunity to connect, share their experiences and offers emotional and practical support. The group meets at the Eco-Living Centre at 10am every fourth Tuesday of the month.
■ Patricia, 0434 487 360 or wattongroup131@gmail.com.
All Abilities Netball
All Abilities Netball for 10 to 25-year–olds is run by Wyndham Netball Association every Saturday morning during school terms from 10.30am on outside court 14 at Eagle Stadium, Ballan Road, Werribee. Intellectual, physical and social disabilities are catered for in a fun and supported group. Come and try your first session for free, with stadium entry $2.
■Phil, 0437 078 739
Walking Netball
Walking Netball is a low impact, no running, no jumping version for those that love the fun, friendship and activity of a weekly game of netball. Sessions are run every Thursday during school terms from 8pm at Eagle Stadium, Ballan Road, Werribee. Come and try your first session for free, with stadium entry $2.
■Phil, 0437 078 739
Wyndham Rotary
Wyndham Rotary welcomes people interested in helping people in need in the community. Interested in finding out more, come to the Italian Sports Club each Wednesday at 6.30pm for a meal, to share ideas and to work for a common cause.
■ Julie, 0406 196 630
Friends of Presidents Park
The Friends of Presidents Park meets from 10am-noon on the first Thursday of the month, to undertake Landcare activities along the Werribee River through the park and surrounding areas. Bring your own gloves and water. Morning tea provided. Meeting at the carpark near the Shaws Road Bridge, Heaths Road, near the fenced dog park.
Seniors House of Fun
The Grange Community Centre would like to invite the seniors of Wyndham to its weekly Seniors House of Fun. This is a free program running every Friday 11am-12.30pm, at The Grange Community Centre, 260-280 Hogans Road, Hoppers Crossing.
■ Vanessa, 8742 8000 or enquires@grangecommunity.org.au
Seniors club
The Werribee Senior Citizens Club meets at 80 Lonsdale Circuit, Hoppers Crossing. The group is open to all people 55-plus and it runs on Wednesdays, 10am- noon. Entry: $2, includes morning tea.
■ 0403 041 499
Diabetes Support Group
The Werribee Diabetes support group has been active in our community for more than 18 years providing advice, information and support for members of the group. The support group provides an opportunity to hear from experts on how to manage your diabetes, to share information on diabetes and to engage with other diabetics Meetings are at the old council shire buildings at 10am every second Friday of the month.
■Bob, 0409 252872.
Hoppers Crossing Ladies Probus
The friendly and vibrant group meet at Hotel 520 on the second Wednesday of each month from 10am. They have a guest speaker each month as well as social lunches, outings and theatre trips.
■ 0408 123 669
Sunrise Social Groups
GenWest Sunrise Social Groups are currently seeking new members for their Melton, Brimbank and Wyndham programs. The free groups are organised by Genwest and provide a social space for women, gender diverse and nonbinary people, who have a disability, chronic health issues and/or mental health challenges.
■ genwest.org.au/what-we-do/health-wellbeing-programs/
U3A Werribee
The group is a not-for-profit community organisation for semi-retired and retired Wyndham residents. They hold a variety of classes-activities specifically designed for seniors, including, light physical and mental wellbeing sessions, arts, games and craft, and general classes such as current affairs, history and lunch groups. Most classes-activities are held at Wyndham community centres.
■ Rick, 0402 299 220.
Lions Club
Lions Club of Werribee meets at the RSL Club, 2a Synnot Street, Werribee on the first and third Wednesday of the month at 6.30pm.
■ Jorge, 0433 566 575
Bingo for all
The Werribee RSL hosts Bingo every Monday. Eyes down from 12.30-2.30pm.
■ 9741 5525
Western Budgerigar Club
The Western Suburbs Budgerigar Club meets at 7.30pm on the third Thursday of each month at Masonic Hall, 223 Watton Street, Werribee. Meet other members who are also passionate about breeding Budgerigars.
■ Don, 0414 975 862
Wyndham Ladies Probus
Are you recently retired or semi-retired? Looking for fun, fellowship and to increase your social networks. The Ladies Probus Club of Wyndham meets on the first Wednesday of each month at Hotel520, Sayers Road, Tarneit, and normally has an outing or event on the third Wednesday of each month.
■ Rosa Sanderson, 0410 303 046
Wyn FM
Wyn FM is Wyndham’s community radio station, broadcasting on 88.9 and online from its studios at the Victoria University campus in Werribee. It offers a wide range of programming including music, sport, news and lifestyle shows as well as broadcasts in languages other than English. New broadcasters, volunteers, members and sponsors are always welcome.
■ 9919 8089 wynfm.org.au
Musicians welcome
Hobsons Bay City Band is seeking musicians to join their community band. Rehearsals are held under the directorship of Wayne Bowden OAM every Monday evening from 7.30pm at the Newport Lakes Primary School, Elizabeth Street, Newport. Visitors and interested musicians any age most welcome.
■ Hannah Prouse at hbcityband@gmail.com or www.hbcb.org.au
Free WONDER-full Nature Walks for 55s+
Join Dr Liz Cyarto for Forest Therapy walks. Have fun, reduce your stress and boost your vitality. Guided walks offered in Newport Lakes Reserve on December 1 and 3, and Williamstown Botanic Gardens on December 10. Limited spots. Registration is open for spring and summer.
Still learning
I’m Still Learning is running a hands-on basic home maintenance course starting until November 29 at the Louis Joel Arts and Community Centre from 7.15pm-9.15pm. The course covers safety in the home, how to repair a leaking tap, how to safely use a battery operated drill and using the drill to build a take home toolbox. The cost for the four week course is $25.
■ Mandy 0451 717 401
Maribyrnong Boxing Club has reopened. New and former members of the Maribyrnong Community Youth Club are welcome to attend training sessions on Monday 6pm-8pm, Thursday 6.45-7.45pm and Sunday, 10-11am. Boxing for fitness classes, beginners, youth, adults and also competition available. The club premises are located under the Grandstand on Maribyrnong Reserve, on the corner of Hortense Street and Middle Road, Maribyrnong
■ nugara.david@hotmail.com or 0413495836
Laverton Community Choir
Laverton Community Choir is looking for people to join them as they start rehearsing Christmas Carols, as well as other popular songs in their repertoire. No experience necessary and no auditions. The group meets on Thursday evenings during school term from 7-9 pm at Laverton P12 College, Gate 1-91 Bladin Street, Laverton.
■ Sue 0418 386 147