Want your event listed? Community Calendar is made available free of charge to not-for-profit organisations to keep the public informed of special events and activities. Send item details to Star Weekly Community Calendar, Corner Thomsons Road and Keilor Park Drive, Keilor Park, 3042, or email to westeditorial@starweekly.com.au by 9am Wednesday the week prior to publication.
Trivia night
Wyndham Health Foundation is encouraging residents to get a trivia team ready and help raise funds for much-needed medical equipment to support patient care in Wyndham. The event will take place from 7pm on Friday, February 24, at the Plaza Tavern, Hoppers Crossing. Early bird tickets $30 until February 6, or sold out, then $35 individual tickets with table of eight or 10 options available. Tickets are limited.
Friends of Presidents Park
The Friends of Presidents Park meets from 10am to noon on the first Thursday of the month, to undertake Landcare activities along the Werribee River through the park and surrounding areas. With activities including planting, weeding, mulching and litter removal, the focus of the group is to restore the vegetation along the river, improve water quality and create habitat for wildlife. Along with the environmental benefits, the group also provides a chance for locals to connect with others in their community and enjoy being in the natural environment. No experience is required. Bring your own gloves and water. Morning tea provided. Meeting location: the carpark near the Shaws Road Bridge, Heaths Road, near the fenced dog park.
Seniors House of Fun
The Grange Community Centre would like to invite the seniors of Wyndham to its weekly Seniors House of Fun. This is a free program running every Friday 11am-12.30pm, at The Grange Community Centre, 260-280 Hogans Road, Hoppers Crossing.
■ Vanessa, 8742 800 or enquires@grangecommunity.org.au
Seniors club
The Werribee Senior Citizens Club Inc meets at 80 Lonsdale Circuit, Hoppers Crossing. The group is open to all people 55-plus , and it runs on Wednesdays, 10am- noon. Entry: $2, includes morning tea.
■ 0403 041 499
Hoppers Crossing Ladies Probus
The friendly and vibrant group meet at Hotel 520 on the second Wednesday of each month from 10am. They have a guest speaker each month as well as social lunches, outings and theatre trips.
■ 0407 856 519
U3A Werribee
The group is a not-for-profit community organisation for semi-retired and retired Wyndham residents. They hold a variety of classes/activities specifically designed for Seniors, including, light physical and mental wellbeing sessions, arts, games and craft, and general classes such as current affairs, history and lunch groups. Most classes/activities are held at Wyndham Community Centres.
■ Rick, 0402 299 220.
Lions Club
Lions Club of Werribee meets at the RSL Club 2a Synnot Street Werribee on the first and third Wednesday of the month 6.30pm for a 7pm dinner meeting.
■ Lou, 0409 331 271
Bingo for all
The Werribee RSL hosts Bingo every Monday, except public holidays. Eyes down from 12.30-2.30pm.
■ 9741 5525
Western Budgerigar Club
The Western Suburbs Budgerigar Club meets at 7.30pm on the third Thursday of each month at Masonic Hall, 223 Watton Street, Werribee. Meet other members who are also passionate about breeding Budgerigars.
■ Don, 0414 975 862
Wyndham Ladies Probus
Are you recently retired or semi-retired? Looking for fun, fellowship and to increase your social networks. The Ladies Probus Club of Wyndham meets on the first Wednesday of each month at Hotel520, Sayers Road, Tarneit, and normally has an outing or event on the third Wednesday of each month.
■ Rosa Sanderson, 0410 303 046
Walking group
Generations in Gaia is a monthly walk for young to old, exploring Wyndham’s open spaces and nature trails. Visiting a new site each month, the walks are especially tailored to little legs, delicate bodies and curious minds.
■ Jess, 0450 348 969.
Wyndham Rotary
Wyndham Rotary is welcomes people interested in helping others in need within the community. To find out more, visit the Italian Sports Club on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm to join them for a meal, share ideas and work for a common cause.
■ Julie, 0406196630.
Bingo for all
The Werribee RSL hosts Bingo every Monday, except public holidays. Eyes down from 12.30-2.30pm.
■ 9741 5525
AeroSpeakers Toastmasters Club
Would you like to develop confidence in communicating, competence with language and clarity in writing? AeroSpeakers Toastmasters Club would like to invite any and all residents to join them on the first and third Thursday of every month to help develop public speaking, communication and leadership skills. The group meets at the Laverton Community Hub, 95-105 Railway Avenue, Laverton from 7-9.30pm.
■ Vimi, 0411530944
Art workshops
The Louis Joel Arts & Community Centre presents MonArt. Workshops for people of all abilities facilitated by community art specialist Amanda Neville, Mondays 10am-11.30am. $5 casual fee each week.
■ admin@ljac.com.au or 9398 2511
Mouth organ band
The Yarraville Mouth Organ Band meets Friday evenings at 203 Williamstown Road, Yarraville. Great music, friendly atmosphere. New members welcome.
■ Heather, 9399 2190 or ymob1933@yahoo.com.au
Walking group
The Altona Meadows & Newport Heart Foundation Walking Group is a local community of men and women committed to walking and socialising together for about 60 minutes. It meets Wednesdays at 10am at the Jolly Miller Cafe in Altona Meadows or Fridays at 10am at the Newport Lakes Reserve. Members are required to register with the Heart Foundation in order to join.
■ Ian Watson, 0411 566 862 or www.hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au/Community/Whats-On/Altona-Meadows-and -Newport-Heart-Foundation-Walking-Groups
Drop in chess, cards and Scrabble
If you love playing chess, cards or a game of Scrabble in an informal and fun setting, visit Braybrook Community Centre on Tuesdays, from noon to 2.30pm.
Williamstown book sale
Friends of Williamstown Library holds a book sale every second Saturday of each month, 10am-12.30 pm. The book sale is held at Williamstown library in the Friends room, which can be accessed through the front desk. The event is cash only.
■ libraries.hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au
Woodcarving workshop
Aimed at all levels of ability in the ancient and international craft of woodcarving. Women are welcome. Bring your own tools and projects if possible. Or do you have Grandpa’s old gouges to donate? On Tuesdays, 9.30am to noon, at 280 Queen Street, Altona.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Regular meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held at St Andrew’s Church Hall, Williamstown, Wednesday at 7pm and Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Newport, Thursday 6.30pm and Saturday 8.30am. All welcome including friends and family of people with drinking problems.
■ 1300 22 22 22, or www.aatimes.org.au
Altona book sale
Friends of Altona Library hold a monthly book sale on the first Tuesday, Friday and Saturday of each month at the rear of Altona Library, 123 Queen Street, Altona, access via Coles carpark, 10am to 1pm.
■ libraries.hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au/community/friends-of-the-libraries
Williamstown Craft Market
Commonwealth Reserve comes alive on the third Sunday of the month for the Williamstown Craft Market. The market boasts more than 50 stalls showcasing everything from handmade craft, homegrown produce and food vendors. There will also be live music. From 10am to 4pm.
■ www.hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au/Community/Whats-On/Williamstown-Craft-Market
Point Gellibrand Rotary Club
Rotary Club of Point Gellibrand meets at Customs House Hotel, 161 Nelson Place, Williamstown, on the first and third Tuesday of the month from 6pm for a 6.30pm dinner meeting. The club has some great speakers and need new, energetic, enthusiastic members who want to make a difference in their community.
■ www.rotarypointgellibrand.com.au, Pam, 0418 347 691, or rotarypointgellibrand@gmail.com
Friendship group
Altona Day Voice Interest and Education of Women [VIEW] Club meets at 11am on the third Wednesday of the month at Altona RSL. The club is always open to new members, and anyone interested is encouraged to get in touch today and see what it’s all about.
■ Janet, 9394 6522 or 0412 010 176