Residents with aspirations of becoming a soccer coach are invited to attend coaching courses in Hoppers Crossing.
Football Victoria will run two community coaching courses at the Grange Reserve, to help Wyndham sports enthusiasts gain the skills and qualifications to become a coach.
Anyone interested in teaching under-9s how to play soccer and the fundamental skills of the game can sign up to take the free three-hour MiniRoos coaching course on Saturday, February 27.
For those wanting to increase their knowledge of soccer and learn how to coach older players, the two-day Skill Training Certificate course will be held on Saturday, March 13 and Sunday, March 21.
Wyndham mayor Adele Hegedich said no prior experience was necessary to participate in either course.
“These courses are a great way for Wyndham residents to learn the basics of coaching, close to home,” Cr Hegedich said.
Wyndham’s active city portfolio holder, Cr Peter Maynard, said as an added incentive, there were 10 free places on offer for girls or women from Wyndham sporting clubs to participate in the Skills Training Certificate course, thanks to a Sport and Recreation Victoria grant.
“Council is always looking for new ways to break down the barriers currently preventing girls and women from participating in sport,” Cr Maynard said.
“By removing the $110 fee for this course, that makes it easier for girls and women already involved in Wyndham clubs to upskill.”
Bookings for both coaching clinics are essential, see bit.ly/3jydy4a for the MiniRoos course and bit.ly/3qd1qIA for the Skills Certificate Coaching course.