CFA saves 3000 lives during blood challenge

The CFA team made more than 1000 donations.

Country Fire Authority (CFA) has finished third in this year’s Emergency Services Blood Challenge, behind NSW and Victoria Police.

In an announcement on September 1, CFA said its team saved approximately 3000 lives by making more than 1000 donations.

The overall contribution by CFA members included around 600 plasma, 390 whole blood and 15 platelet donations between June 1 and August 31.

Greenvale brigade firefighter Simon White made his first-ever blood donation during this year’s challenge.

“I’ve been wanting to do it for a while and being from the UK during the outbreak of mad cow disease prevented me for many years,” he said.

“This year, they lifted the restriction and I was excited to help out.

“If you’ve got an opportunity to help someone else, such as donating blood, then for me it’s a no-brainer.”

CFA chief officer Jason Heffernan, who personally made a donation this year, said members should be proud of the contribution they’ve made and the positive impact it’s had on those in need of blood.

“Our members really get behind initiatives that benefit the community and this is no exception,” he said.

“While the blood drive has concluded this year, I hope many of our members can keep up these good habits and continue donating blood, if they can.”

The drive encouraged emergency services members to make a significant contribution to those in need by donating blood and plasma.
