Celebrating Wyndham’s volunteers

EdConnect volunteer Robyn Close listening to student Bella Gartung read. (Supplied)

Wyndham resident Robyn Close has been supporting students at Truganina South Primary School in years three and four this year through an EdConnect volunteering program.

EdConnect is a volunteering charity which seeks to connect volunteers wanting to make a difference, with young people in school who need extra help and guidance.

Ms Close volunteers for two hours every week, helping in the classroom with various activities, such as strengthen reading skills, sound awareness and comprehension and at times listening to students read.

“Being in the classroom and seeing them remember or reflect on something I’ve said feels nice,” Ms Close said.

“When we are reading a book, I often ask them about how they can relate to the book, for example, if the book is about camping, I’ll ask them if they’ve ever been camping. It often starts a conversation.

“The students are fantastic, they learn and so do I, it’s all the little things that enrich your own experience. One student was reading a book about wheels, levers and pulleys. I learnt quite a bit. When I asked this student about his interest in this book he proudly told me he wants to be an engineer.

“Another memorable moment was when a student was feeling quite overwhelmed and needed to step out to get some fresh air, he was asked to take a friend with him and he chose me, it felt very special that he seemed to connect with me.”

In celebration of seniors month this October, EdConnect is recognising the commitment and passion of local volunteers who give their time consistently each week to support students and schools.

“With all the disruptions over the past few years, the extra help and support EdConnect volunteers are giving to students is more valuable and welcomed than ever before,” EdConnect liaison officer Rhonda Velkovski said.

Details: www.edconnectaustralia.org.au