Celebrate caring superheroes

Aged Care Employee Day will be held on August 7.

Aged and Community Care Providers Association (ACCPA) are inviting all Australians, including those in Wyndham, to thank aged care staff ahead of Aged Care Employee Day.

The annual day will be held on Monday, August 7, for the fifth time to celebrate thousands of aged care workers.

ACCPA chief executive Tom Symondson said workers in aged care had gone above and beyond the past year and continue to face immense challenges in providing care and support.

“We want to keep in mind the almighty effort put in by aged care workers and encourage the public to take a moment and say [thank you],” Mr Symondson said.

“Aged Care Employee Day has become an important date in our calendar and reminds us of the caring and professional work of our aged care staff.

“They’re the backbone, the people who support our elders day in and day out. They make the lives of older Australians better.”

Mr Symondson said aged care staff have faced challenging conditions and been tested to the limit during COVID-19.

“They’ve proven to be care ‘superheroes,’” he said.

“They’ve provided essential care to their beloved older residents, while colleagues were struck down with Covid or forced to isolate.

“We also want to encourage aged care staff to take a moment for themselves to regroup, take a breath, and recharge.

“They all deserve our thanks for their professionalism, their warmth, and their enthusiasm to help older Australians live comfortably.

“ACCPA congratulates our aged care heroes for their dedication, their compassion and their hard work and we encourage the public to give them the recognition they so handsomely deserve.”