Business Person of the Year

Shawn Read, Business Person of the Year. (Supplied)


Being rejected by Kmart might be the greatest thing to ever happen to Shawn Read. Because when his Year 10 job application was turned down, he took a position teaching at a swim school instead, and never looked back.

By the time he completed his bachelor of commerce degree at Melbourne University in 1992, Shawn had well and truly found his passion.

At 23, with the backing of his parents, he built a 17m x 6m pool in the vacant block of an industrial estate in Hoppers Crossing, and in April 1994 opened Shawn’s Swim School with two staff and 40 students.

By the end of 1994, he had 12 staff and 750 students, and by 2004, his business had ballooned to 20 staff, 1300 students and a waitlist. So, Shawn built another 25m x 8m

pool next door to the first one, and now has 45 staff and 2500 students – per week!

Shawn credits his enormous success to his amazing team and the collaborative culture within his business.

In an industry that often struggles ith retention, he is proud to have several staff members who have been with him for between 12 and 28 years.

What the judges said:

“Shawn takes great pride in his business and has made significant contributions to boards and advisory committees aimed at maintaining and improving standards within his industry. His school’s reputation has allowed it to thrive and grow, and the decision to expand to a two-pool facility helped better service community needs while raising his profile and brand to another level. The business continually works toward maintaining industry standards, including in OH&S and environmental sustainability. Shawn has already created a long-lasting legacy within the Wyndham community, with his swim school operating for over 30 years and looking well set-up for the future.“