By Alesha Capone
Several services and attractions in Wyndham will reopen this week, after the state government eased coronavirus restrictions.
Wyndham mayor Josh Gilligan said the council has reopened more than 200 playgrounds, skate parks and sporting reserves.
“Anybody using these spaces are encouraged to ensure they are maintaining at least 1.5 metres between themselves and others, and that the limits in place by the state government are observed,” Cr Gilligan said.
Maternal and Child Health services have resumed for families with babies up to eight weeks old, at some council sites.
Werribee Plaza Library will open to the public on June 9, and Point Cook Library on June 15, with up to 20 visitors allowed at any one time.
Western Leisure Services (WLS) chief executive Alison Dixon said the organisation was aiming to open AquaPulse and Eagle Stadium on June 22.
Ms Dixon said WLS anticipated that it would be able to open AquaPulse’s 50 metre pool and warm water pool to a limit of 20 patrons per session.
The AquaPulse and Eagle Stadium gyms will have a limit of 20 people at any one time, and group fitness classes a maximum of 10 people.
Ms Dixon said WLS had introduced a number of measures to help manage demand, including time limits for sessions.
WLS members will not be charged their normal fortnightly fees, but instead a “pay as you go” system. Some programs will only be accessible to members.
“No changerooms will be open and members are expected to shower prior to and after they visit the centre,” Ms Dixon said.
She said that WLS has been able to re-engage a number of staff who had been stood down due to the pandemic.
Werribee Open Range Zoo opened to the public on Monday, with a limit of 1000 visitors on the site at any one time.
Zoos Victoria chief executive Dr Jenny Gray said a range of safety measures have been implemented, including increased cleaning of glassed viewing areas and the closure of enclosed indoor areas, such as reptile and nocturnal houses.
Ticket purchases to the zoo must also be made online, so staff can monitor admissions.
Details: wyndham.vic.gov.au/covid19, wynactive.com.au or zoo.org.au/coronavirusupdate/