By Alesha Capone
Wyndham council’s libraries may be closed, but they are offering a host of free activities and resources on the internet.
Wyndham City mayor Cr Josh Gilligan said the libraries offered an online world of learning, accessible to everyone.
“We are running programs for all ages, from babies to adults, and everyone can take part in the online events,” Cr Gilligan said.
“Parents can view Rhyme Time hosted by the familiar faces from our libraries whatever time of day suits; teenagers can play online games safely with Gamer Den and adults can enjoy the book club and language café – and that’s just a glimpse of the array of educational events available from our online library services.”
Rhyme Time is a recurring event which runs every Monday from 9.30-9.45am (excluding school holidays).
It aims to boost children’s love of stories, early language, literacy and numeracy skills.
The sessions can be watched live at www.facebook.com/librariesinwyndham.
Cr Gilligan said that the council’s Wyndham Together website, which features a range of online programs including library events, has recorded more than 90,000 views since the municipality’s libraries first closed in March.
He said that on Friday, the council would be hosting an online indigenous astronomy lesson as part of Science Week.
“We are privileged to receive this educational talk directly from Yorta Yorta ecology student Jessie Ferrari and cultural astronomer Duane Hamacher,” Cr Gilligan said.
“We will learn to see the stars in a new way and learn about the importance of the night sky in Australian Aboriginal science, culture, and history.”
See wyndhamtogether.com.au/event/indigenous-astronomy/ to register for the indigenous astronomy lesson.