Cade Lucas
The Werribee Archery Club is calling on Wyndham council to upgrade its facilities, arguing toilets and disabled access are not up to scratch.
The club, which has grown to over 100 members and produced recent state and national champions, currently operates out of three shipping containers at Lawrie Emmins Reserve in Laverton North.
Committee member Richard Helleren said the containers provided space for storage but not much else.
“They’re not clubrooms and there’s nowhere to get out of the rain,” said Mr Helleren who joined the Werribee Archery Club two years ago.
“We have a covered area where we shoot from but there’s no power or water or even facilities to make a cup of tea.”
The archery club shares facilities with a local cricket and motocross club, including access to a portable Disability Discrimination Act compliant toilet.
However Mr Helleren said the location of the toilet made it difficult to get to, particularly for disabled archers and young girls.
“Well that’s (the portable toilet) like 150 to 200m away and there’s no path direct to our range. It (the path) stops short and it’s in the mud,” he said,
“We’ve got a lot of young juniors and a lot of ladies and because we haven’t got a toilet on the range, they don’t like going out there.”
Wyndham council director of city life Liana Thompson said the Laverton North reserve was already slated for an upgrade.
“Wyndham City’s 2024-25 annual plan and budget includes $613,000 to complete a $4.2 million gateway and youth precinct at Lawrie Emmins Reserve that will deliver a skate park, sports courts, open lawn for events, barbecue and picnic facilities, shade and seating, a toilet block, car parking, landscaping and other amenities.”
Mr Helleren said while the the archery club would be able to use some of these facilities, most would be situated too far away.
“It’d be nice to have a proper clubroom and facility on our range, not 200 metres away.”
A council spokesperson said no further funding was allocated for Lawrie Emmins Reserve, but it was happy to work with the archery club to find a solution.