Animals help kids count

Warringa Park Specialist School students: Jordan (front), Ollie, Joseph, Arijan, Blake and Ayub with the new picture book the school have released. (Damjan Janevski) 357843_02

Warringa Park Specialist School in Hoppers Crossing launched its book ‘One Big Bungil’ last week.

The product of a school maths project, ’One Big Bungil’ is a counting book that students can use to count animals as they develop their maths and number recognition skills.

Numbers in the text are represented in numerals, words and on tens frame.

All illustrations were done by students at the school, which caters for children with intellectual disabilities.

The animals depicted are all found locally near the Werribee River and their names are printed in Indigenous language, adding to the students’ learning experience..

“The text and illustrations in the book are highly engaging and we would like to share this with both our school community and beyond,” said Warringa Park School principal Ashwini Sharma.

“We would like to see copies of this booking helping many other students to learn counting whilst exploring our Indigenous culture and the fauna of Werribee.”

All students at the school received a copy of ‘One Big Bungil’, while copies were donated to other schools and local libraries.

Cade Lucas.