Anamika’s a role model for others

Anamika Pushilal is the One Wyndham recipient for March. (Damjan Janevski) 465460_03

Environmental advocate Anamika Pushilal has been named as Wyndham’s young person of the month for March.

Anamika was named as the ‘One Wyndham’ recipient for the month in recognition of passionate advocacy of climate change and participation in tree planting for Reconciliation Week and National Tree Day.

Anamika also helps out at Love our Street 3030, to keep litter off the streets, parks and natural spaces, and to contribute to creating a sustainable future for our planet.

Previously, part of council’s Climate Futures program, Anamika organised clothing swaps to reduce textile waste, encourage sustainability and highlight that fast fashion is wasteful and contributing to landfill and omissions.

Wyndham mayor Mia Shaw said Anamika was a passionate young role model who contributes meaningfully to the community through volunteering.

“Wyndham City appreciates Anamika’s commitment to the community that helps make Wyndham a better place,” Cr Shaw said.

Anamika said being named as the One Wyndham recipient for March was exciting and motivating.

“It felt great to have my efforts recognised and I hope that people from similar backgrounds can see me as someone to look up to, just as I had role models growing up. This also inspires me to continue giving back to the community and to encourage other young people to believe in their ability to create positive change.”

One Wyndham recipients are residents aged between 12 to 25 who positively contribute to the Wyndham community and are role models to other young people.

Winners are awarded a $300 gift voucher of their choice and other prizes.