Aggression has replaced reason

Australians have always had a ‘she’ll be right’ attitude but that seems to have been replaced by a whiny, complaining, sense of entitlement that the world needs to get it right or get slapped. Aggression has replaced reason, taking has replaced sharing and tolerance is a word from a bygone era.

I refuse to drown in a sea of negativity and vitriol because it creates an atmosphere devoid of joy, fun and positive energy. If people want to live in that world, go for it, but it’s not for me.

Unfortunately you can’t live in a bubble and that is where Australians have changed, as the global world has become more a part of our day-to-day life. That has changed everything, from the way we speak to how we do business and how we treat each other.

We are certainly more globally aware but are we worldlier? Certainly not in the way the word was once used.

I am not blaming anyone for this; it is where we currently find ourselves. Leaders are being replaced by influencers, and popular opinion is being shaped by these influencers and their followers, via social media. That’s the way of the world. The rules of engagement have changed, some have been erased.

It is not a fair fight anymore for the most part. There is a keyboard version of a coward punch, and its use is gaining frequency at an alarming rate. While it is an unseen threat, it is real. The damage this will cause is impossible to measure right now, but it will be a very real problem in the future.

We are seeing more and more mental health problems and that is going to come at a financial and emotional cost for the future.

That does not concern those who take great delight in bullying and belittling others, never has never will. You can’t appeal to their moral fibre, as they have none.

We are breeding a cockroach-like keyboard predator that is impervious and immune to common decency and community standards. They do have one Achilles heel. They crave attention. And we still have the power to shut that down. ■