Aged care feedback sought

Wyndham council is seeking feedback on the future of aged care services in the municipality.

Wyndham council is currently the primary provider of the Commonwealth Regional

Assessments for entry into aged care for Wyndham residents.

As a result, council is the first point of contact for those entering aged care funded

Programs, but with the federal government set to introduce aged care reforms in the coming months, the role of council is expected to change.

Wyndham mayor, councillor Jennie Barrera said council committed in 2019 to

provide aged care services that would not otherwise be available to the community.

“We want to hear what the community values about aged care services currently

delivered or what they would like to see changed, to help us shape the future of

these services,” she said.

“We are finding that council is replicating aged care services that are available by

community providers, which is not in keeping with our commitment. There’s more than 120 aged care service providers in Wyndham delivering the

services council historically offered. These providers enable residents to have choice, quality and affordability when it

comes to aged care services and programs.”

Cr Barrera said the coming federal reforms provide council with the opportunity to review its aged care services and assess how they should be delivered into the future.

She urged members of the public to have their say too.

“We encourage everyone to provide feedback – those using council services, those

using community services, carers and the general community.”

For further information and to provide feedback by January 7, visit: