Advice to avoid scams


Scams are a hot issue in the community and for very good reason. Scams are so prolific that they’ve become an everyday event in most people’s lives as scammers remain relentless in their pursuit to steal from us all.

Scams range from PayID and employment scams on social media platforms, to elaborate and lucrative investment scams. Of greater concern is the addition of Artificial Intelligence which is making deception more believable.

The best defence is to educate yourself which is why the Westgate Proactive Policing Unit has developed a series of SCAM ALERT! presentations.

The presentations are the culmination of two years of research and cover: a deeper insight into the world of scamming, types of scams, how scams work (with real-life examples), how to protect yourself and where to get help.

The presentations are free but seats are limited.

Anyone wishing to attend can book via the website. Search SCAM ALERT to book a seat.

Alternatively, use the link to the corresponding event and click ‘Book Now’ to obtain your seat.

The first session will be held at the Wyndham Civic Centre, 45 Princes Hwy, Werribee, on Saturday, 28 October, from 2pm – 3:45pm. To book go to

A second session will be held at the Wyndham Civic Centre on Thursday, 2 November, from 6:15pm – 8pm.