Adopt a Wyndham park


Wyndham community groups will be given the chance to adopt a park to maintain.

Under the council’s new adopt-a-park policy, community groups will take on stewardship of an open space and become actively involved in its management.

A report to the July 23 council meeting said the policy would help residents to learn new skills, meet new people and improve their local area.

Interested groups would be required to sign a memorandum of understanding with council and comprise of at least five members.

The report said the policy was already gaining traction, with requests for the adoption of parks already submitted to council.

Cr Susan McIntyre said community maintenance of parks would be in addition to council’s planned maintenance program.

Cr Robert Szatkowski said the community had shown a desire to become more involved in the management of parks.

He said the policy was vital for fostering a more connected and resilient community.

This not only helps in maintaining the beauty and usability of our parks but also strengthens community bonds and encourages civic pride,” Cr Szatkowski said.

Council also endorsed a community gardens policy which will be used to assess proposed locations and the suitability of the community groups who propose the development of a community garden within council’s open spaces.