A return to whimsy

'Beauty and the beast' production at Heathdale College Werribee. Pic of students Amy and Erik. Photo by Damjan Janevski.

By Esther Lauaki

Heathdale Christian College students are taking on a tale as old as time.

Preparations have stepped up for the school’s production of Beauty and the Beast to be staged at the Wyndham Cultural Centre’s Tattersall’s Theatre on July 26 and 27.

The cast and crew of more than 85 students have been finetuning their performance and perfecting makeup, costumes and staging.

Director Hayley Kirkpatrick said she felt it was a “great time to bring the classi

c Beauty and the Beast to the stage for the local community”.

“It’s always a big challenge to find the right musical each year,” Ms Kirkpatrick said.

“It has to have a big cast and suit the character of the students we have.

“In the past couple of years, we’ve chosen more serious productions like

Oliver and Fiddler on the Roof.

“This year we wanted to return to something fun, vibrant and whimsical.”

Year 12 lead Mitchell, who will play Gaston, is a first-timer to musicals but said he was excited to take on the role.

“Being my last year at school I wanted to throw myself at as much stuff as I could,” Mitchell said.

Despite being one of the younger members in the cast, year 6 student Madison, playing LeFou, is also one of the school’s most experienced. She was involved in her first musical at 10 years of age with the Young Australian Broadway Chorus.

“I love musicals, and

Beauty and The Beast is my favourite Disney film,” Madison said.

“My character is pretty clumsy and goofy, which suits me. LeFou is traditionally a boy, so changing it to a girl is really different.”

Tickets can be purchased at 8734 6000 or visit wyncc.com.au