3000 seedlings planted in Werribee

Lesley Harmer with Karen Aunties. (Parks Victoria)

The Parks Victoria horticulture team have recently planted zinnias, marigolds and petunias from more than 3000 seedlings in the parterre garden at Werribee Park.

A spokesperson for Werribee Park said the staff had conducted the project in partnership with a “passionate group of volunteers”, including the genU Werribee Park gardening program.

“This work supports our summer/autumn display, with the colour of the flowers bringing a hot/warm theme to the park,” the spokesperson said.

“Our volunteers have provided support and partnership through all stages of this project, from seed collection, to propagation and planting, and continued upkeep.

The spokesperson said that with the display currently at its best, local staff are encouraging visitors to explore the park. “The colours are very photogenic and are proving popular with visitors,” the spokesperson said.

“This planting provides a complete transformation at the front of Werribee Mansion, replacing the rainbow chard planted in the cooler months.”

Residents wanting to volunteer at the park are encouraged to get in touch, volunteers also assist with activities, sch as heritage days, easter egg hunts and various other functions.

Details: friendsofwerribeepark@gmail.com