Chirnside Park plan in limbo after council backtrack

The future of Chirnside Park’s redevelopment is in state government hands after Wyndham council backtracked on a promise to fund the project this year.

Last August, the council said it would commit $5.5 million in its 2015-16 and 2016-17 budgets to help fund the redevelopment.

A report to the council included $2.5 million in the 2015-16 budget with the remaining money to be delivered in the 2016-17

But Chirnside Park’s funding is missing from the 2015-16 draft budget released last week.

Council’s infrastructure director, David Suder, said the money had not been included as the council was waiting on a funding commitment from the state government.

He said that since August, users and funding partners, including the Werribee Football Club, AFL and AFL Victoria, had asked for upgrades to the planned redevelopment, resulting in an increase in the project’s size and projected cost.

“In 2014, the funding partners agreed to the larger concept and to seek additional funding from state government,” Mr Suder said. “As soon as funding is secured, a report will be submitted for council resolution to include the Chirnside Park project in the 2015-16 budget.”

Werribee Football Club chief executive Mark Penaluna said he feared council funding would not be delivered, delaying the project.

The club had planned to start its oval redevelopment in October using money from this year’s budget.

The Tigers have been lobbying for the project since 2008 because their ground does not meet VFL standards.

Mr Penaluna said the club’s headquarters failed to meet basic requirements for women’s and umpire change-rooms, seating and accessibility. The ground has no dedicated women’s change areas, no canteen and no lift to its first-floor social room, meaning disabled fans must be carried up the stairs.

Mr Penaluna said the redevelopment would address those problems and make the ground more user-friendly. The Tigers have committed $1million to the project, while AFL and AFL Victoria have each offered $250,000.

Mr Penaluna said the council’s decision not to include the project in the draft budget had surprised the club. “We believe we have an agreement with the council for $5.5 million to be delivered over the next two years.”

“We will continue to work with the Wyndham council and Werribee Football Club to achieve the best possible outcome for the Werribee community,” he said.