Wyndham Harbour: Werribee South marina to give berths in summer

The first stage of a marina in Wyndham Harbour is expected to open next summer, 32 years after it was first proposed by the state government.

The Werribee South development, which will be the only marina between Williamstown and Geelong, will eventually provide space for 1000 wet berths and dry boat storage for up to 390 boats, making it the largest in Victoria and the second-largest in the nation.

The marina will become the new home of the Werribee South Coast Guard.

Stage one will provide 150 wet berths at |the marina’s southern base as well as car parking and bay trails that will link the development back to Werribee and two new beaches.

The site was first proposed as a marina by the state government in 1983, with developers securing the land off Duncans Road in 2003.

Project director Sonya Miller said the marina would be developed over six stages.

She predicted the development would draw tourists to the area. “It will be a real benefit to the area, a key contribution to the City of Wyndham from an economic and tourist point of view.”

Developers expect to finish dredging for the marina by the middle of the year, with the installation of floating pontoons to follow.

Committee for Wyndham chief executive Chris Potaris said the development would provide a boost to the region.

“The vision for Wyndham Harbour is now unfolding and it demonstrates the potential for residential and tourism opportunities on the back of improved infrastructure and capital works in the region,” Mr Potaris said.