Hopeful students given tertiary education ‘lifeline’

For many students, the pressures of year 12, pushing for results and figuring out what you want to do with your life can be too much to handle.

If results fall short of expectations or you’re yet to decide what you want to do, it can be easy to go off the rails.

Wyndham Community and Education Centre and Federation University are now giving people an opportunity to pursue tertiary education in a community-based setting close to home.

After working with the university on its Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning programs – an alternative qualification to VCE focusing on practical learning – Wyndham CEC’s chief executive, Jennie Barrera, said it had identified students it believed were capable of taking on a bachelor’s degree.

This year’s crop of 20 students started their first classes at Wayaperri House in Werribee this month.

“We’re targeting students who may not otherwise have the confidence or skills to undertake university education,” Ms Barrera said.

“They’re all young people who have had ups and downs in their education but are the first in their family to go to university.”

She said the course would provide a new pathway for both VCE and VCAL students.

“Classes are face-to-face and delivered from Wayaperri House and students will be provided weekly support to engage with the program and make a successful transition from school to university study.

“This is the first-ever community-based bachelor of arts delivered by a community organisation to young people in their own community. It extends the options available to young people living in Wyndham and surrounding areas to connect with higher education.”

For Jacob Beckers, the course has provided a lifeline towards his goal of becoming a graphic designer.

“I didn’t do as well as I would have liked at school,” he said. “I was distracted and wasn’t focused enough, but this course will provide the foundation for further study and a career.”

Ms Barrera said the centre was also offering a bachelor of education program to prepare teachers to work with children in early childhood and primary school settings.