Millions still unpaid in Wyndham rates and fines

Wyndham council is chasing more than $10.8 million in unpaid rates and infringement penalties.

Latest figures released by the council reveal that 8877 properties are in the red on their rates, while most of the $159,045 owing for infringements relates to parking fines ($80,932), animal registrations ($39,438) and local law breaches ($34,100).

This pales in comparison with last year’s situation, when the council was pursuing $876,146 in overdue infringements, including $329,000 in parking fines.

In July last year, Star Weekly revealed one property owner owed more than $303,000 in rates.

At the time, community lawyer Michael Mitchell said residents were risking much more than late fines if they did not pay their rates.

“Ultimately, your house and property could be seized if you don’t pay your rates.

“The council is very understanding and if people are genuinely struggling to pay their rates then it will help them out by setting them up with a payment plan. But some people think it’s like not paying a library fine and they think it’ll just go away.”

Mr Mitchell said the amount of money owed in rates indicated a wider problem in Wyndham.

“It shows people are living beyond their means and that the gap between rich and poor is getting wider,” he said.

Council chief executive Kerry Thompson said a number of programs were in place to help residents struggling to pay rates.

“Late payments are charged interest,” she said. “If residents are having difficulty paying by the due date, they can contact [the council’s] rating services office to arrange a payment plan. Ratepayers who hold a valid pension card may also be eligible for a municipal rates concession.”