Wyndham City Salvation Army appeals for meals

Wyndham residents can help families in need put a hearty feast on the table this Christmas.

Wyndham City Salvation Army community support services is asking people to create “a meal in a bag” with enough food to cook a Christmas dinner.

The bags come with a suggested shopping list of basic items such as tinned ham, peas, corn and carrots, tea and coffee and treats such as Christmas cake or pudding, custard and cream.

Service manager Sue Brookshaw says they are expecting to be inundated with requests for assistance during the festive season. All of the filled bags will be distributed to some of Wyndham’s most disadvantaged families.

“We’re hoping to put together as many bags as possible, but even if people can’t make an entire bag, we always accept individual donations of non-perishable food,” she said. “Between now and Christmas, we expect to see about 400 families who are in need of assistance.”

Ms Brookshaw said the service had just received a donation of a container fridge and freezer from Wyndham Rotary, which would allow them to prepare community meals and store cold and frozen food.

Bags can be picked up from 209 Watton Street, Werribee. Anyone in need of help can call the Salvation Army on 9731 1344 on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday.