Taste of things to come for food technologist Geraldine

For Geraldine Walker, work is all about finding the cream of the crop.

A food technologist at Dairy Innovation Australia in Werribee, Ms Walker has just judged the annual Australian Grand Dairy Awards where she helped to find the best of the best.

More than 250 dairy products, including milk, cheese, cream, butter, yoghurt, ice cream, gelato and dips, were assessed for flavour, aroma, body, texture, colour and appearance.

Ms Walker said the dairy industry had undergone a revolution in recent years with an explosion of new products and flavour combinations.

“There was a time when only plain and strawberry yoghurt was available, but now there are many different types,” she said.

Ms Walker said milk has also changed enormously from the handful of types available on the shelves 20 years ago to an array of varieties now including full cream to low fat, no fat, lactose free, goat, rice, almond and soy.

“With everything we taste, we’re searching for good, rounded flavours and for the typical characteristics of each product,” she said.

“The gelato category was interesting because it’s becoming more artisan and experimental. This year, one of the most interesting flavours was beetroot and balsamic vinegar.”

Next month, 20 producers will be named winners, while the highest scoring cheese and dairy products will be named 2015 Grand Champions.