Thank you, our Meals on Wheels heroes

A group of volunteers who help deliver meals to homeless and impoverished people are being recognised for their hard work.

Wyndham council is acknowledging the work of volunteers and staff as part of National Meals on Wheels Day.

The annual celebration is on Wednesday, August 27, when 50 volunteers and eight staff involved in the program will be honoured.

Cr Adele Hegedich said the focus of this year’s event would be on Meals on Wheels’ role in nourishing the many thousands of people who use the service.

She said 422 Wyndham residents had received more than 39,000 meals last year.

“Meals on Wheels helps eligible clients to remain living independently for as long as possible,” Cr Hegedich said.

“People may not be able to prepare meals for themselves for a variety of reasons, such as after hospital discharge. Delivered meals are available on a short and long-term basis.”

But Cr Hegedich said the service involved more than just delivering meals to people.

“Wyndham City’s delivered meals volunteers are also an important community connection, calling into the homes of people who might otherwise be socially isolated,” she said.

“These volunteers and staff provide an invaluable service to some of the most vulnerable people in our community, travelling about 56,000 kilometres a year to deliver meals to clients.”

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