Point Cook dog fight a false alarm for police

Police were called to a Point Cook house last week following reports a man had beaten a dog to death with a broom stick.

A witness to the incident told Star Weekly that about 8.30pm on Monday, August 11, she heard what sounded like a dog being attacked by a man at a house in Campaspe Way.

But Wyndham police’s Inspector Damien Christensen said the man was actually breaking up a fight between two dogs.

“The incident involved two dogs fighting over some food,” Inspector Christensen said.

“One dog was severely bitten and the incident was reported to the RSPCA. There was no further police involvement.”

Inspector Christensen said the dogs involved were both pitbulls and the injured one was rushed to a local vet for treatment.

“The tool used to break up the dogs was an aluminium broom handle,” he said. “The action taken was probably necessary to ensure the other dog wasn’t killed.”

One witness, who did not want to be named, said he was worried about whether the dogs would be safe in future.

“There was a whole lot of noise and you could tell one of the dogs was in a lot of pain,” the witness said.

“I don’t know if those breeds of dogs should be kept together in a house if that is how vicious they can be.

“Just imagine if one of them got out and attacked a local child.”