Councillor Intaj Khan calls on Wyndham to embrace religious diversity

Wyndham should be bathed in Islamic, Chinese and Hindu festive decorations, a councillor has claimed.

Cr Intaj Khan said he believed that as Wyndham continued to become a more multicultural city, it was time for the council to recognise the religious occasions celebrated by many of its residents.

“We need to become a more modern and 21st century city rather than stay a country town,” Cr Khan said.

“Just like Christmas is celebrated by installing decorations … we should start celebrating more multicultural festivals.

“It would make us a truly multicultural city and more attractive to people who want to move here and invest in Wyndham.”

Cr Khan – who moved to Australia from India in 1988 and describes himself as a “modern Muslim” – said he would urge his fellow councillors to support a notice of motion to increase funding for decorations in next year’s budget.

He said Eid – the Islamic festival to celebrate the end of Ramadan – Chinese New Year and the Hindu festival of lights, Diwali, should be recognised with public decorations.

“I believe we should follow the City of Melbourne’s model and make Wyndham shine, so it is more welcoming and attractive.”

Wyndham chief executive Kerry Thompson said all councillors could nominate projects for consideration in the budget.

“In this year’s budget, $95,000 has been allocated for expenditure on Christmas decorations as the city has not seen any significant investment in decorations for a number of years.”