Call for care on Wyndham animal collisions

Hoppers Crossing is the animal collision capital of Wyndham, new figures have reveal.

Statistics released by RACV last week show that last year 15 people in Wyndham were involved in motor vehicle accidents involving animals.

Six were in Hoppers Crossing, four in Werribee, three in Tarneit, while Point Cook and Wyndham Vale had one incident each.

The figures are drastically lower than other western municipalities such as Melton, which had 66 crashes, and Moorabool, which had 94.

RACV received 3641 claims from across Melbourne for cars hitting kangaroos, 245 claims for damage caused by collisions with dogs, and 244 claims following collisions with wombats.

RACV general manager insurance Paul Northey said Wyndham residents still needed to be careful while on the road by slowing down when travelling around bends and over rises.

“You should be cautious if there are warning signs advising of wildlife in the area or if you see dead animals on the side of the road,”
Mr Northey said.

“Colliding with an animal, whether it’s on a country highway or an urban road, not only puts you and your family at risk of serious injury, it can also prove very costly.”

Mr Northey said collisions with animals occurred at all hours, but most were at dawn and dusk.

“It’s pleasing to know that many members of the public report injured animals.

“RACV encourages motorists who find sick, orphaned or injured wildlife to call Wildlife Victoria on 1300 094 535 as soon as it’s safe and practicable to do so.”