Hoppers Crossing’s Christine fights the cycle of ignorance

A Wyndham cyclist is hoping a state government survey will make motorists more aware of other road users.

It is hoped the road rules and safety issues survey, which was recently unveiled by Roads Minister Terry Mulder, will gauge the public’s knowledge of the road rules that apply to cycling.

Mr Mulder said the government wanted to know where there were gaps in people’s knowledge of road rules and the issues drivers, cyclists and pedestrians wanted addressed.

He said the information gathered would help with a VicRoads review of cycling-related road rules.

“We know cyclists and drivers often don’t see eye-to-eye,” Mr Mulder said.

“There have been a number of incidents where cars and bikes come into conflict because people are not sure who is in the right.

“We believe this is partly caused by a lack of understanding and knowledge by both groups of the rules that apply.”

Hoppers Crossing cyclist Christine Morris is urging people to complete the survey, saying that some of the questions surprised her.

Ms Morris hopes the survey will encourage motorists to be on the look-out for cyclists and take their safety in to consideration.

“Most drivers do respect the rules and cyclists but it only takes a few ignoring the rules to give you a scare,” she said.

Ms Morris said roundabouts and intersections were among the most dangerous places for cyclists, with some drivers unaware of cyclists’ rights while others did not always look for oncoming bicycles.

The survey can be filled out at www.roadsafety.vic.gov.au until July 27.