Campbells Cove nude ban plan slammed

Wyndham council has been accused of ignoring the rights of nudists by a long-term user of the clothing-optional beach at Campbells Cove.

Warren, who did not want his surname published, said people from all walks of life enjoyed using the Werribee South beach and should have the freedom to bathe nude.

He said he could see no legitimate reason for the council’s plan to revoke the beach’s clothing-optional status.

As reported by Star Weekly, the council announced it was reviewing the beach’s status in May, believing the area was not as secluded as it used to be.

The council invited public feedback, with 10 people calling for nudists to be permitted to bathe at Werribee South.

A total of 31 submissions were received.

Campbells Cove is one of four official clothing-optional beaches in Victoria. The others are Point Impossible and Southside at Torquay and Sunnyside North at Mount Eliza.

It’s the second time the council has tried to revoke the beach’s status. In 2007, an attempt to make beachgoers cover up failed to gain the support of the state government.

Submissions will form part of a report to a future council meeting.

Any decision to change Campbells Cove’s status will have to be approved by Planning Minister Matthew Guy.