Wyndham food appeal to help the homeless

Wyndham residents are being encouraged to put an extra tin of tuna, jar of pasta sauce or packet of biscuits in their trolley the next time they are at the supermarket to help make winter easier for Melbourne’s homeless people.

Werribee Funerals is running a food appeal during July and August to collect non-perishable groceries that will be donated to the Sacred Heart Mission,
St Kilda.

Items urgently needed include tinned tuna, salmon and corn, jars of pasta sauce, pasta, rice, flour, sugar, breakfast cereal, Vegemite, peanut butter, jam, Nutella, honey, tea bags, biscuits and Milo.

Dishwashing liquid, washing-up gloves, laundry detergent and mugs are also needed.

Donations can be left at 11 Greaves Street, Werribee, during business hours.