Dog-fighting ring worry as American bulldog stolen

The theft of an American bulldog from Brooklyn and three attempted dog thefts in Spotswood, reported on social media last week, have reinforced fears that pets are being taken from Melbourne’s west by a dog-fighting ring.

Hobsons Bay Inspector Richard Paterson said police were not aware of these cases but were investigating the thefts of a staffordshire cross and two maltese shih-tzu from Laverton in April and an attempted dog theft in the same suburb last week.

Brooklyn man Joshua Munn is devastated after his American bulldog, Tiny, was stolen on May 19.

“I wake up in tears every morning, he was my only family,” he said.

Mr Munn said he was at work when his dog disappeared but his next door neighbour witnessed Tiny being taken.

“He [Tiny] was seen sitting on the corner of Millers Road and Cypress Avenue, which is my street.

“Apparently, a blue 4WD came around the corner and a girl with a broken arm got out of the car. My dog, Tiny, started walking back up the road towards my house.

“The guy in the car was yelling ‘grab it and get in’, and without him realising, he’s pulled up in my driveway and then she coaxed [Tiny] over towards the car. Then they’ve driven away.

“My next door neighbour witnessed all of this but didn’t think to get the registration because she thought it was me.

“He has most likely been stolen for dog fighting. Apparently, Ballarat is one of the mecca points for the fights.”

Early Wednesday morning, two men were allegedly caught in a Spotswood backyard trying to put a rope around a dog’s neck.

A post from a Spotswood resident on the Facebook Paws and Tails page and shared on the Missing Animals Hobsons Bay page states:

“I woke up at around 2.45am to the sound of dogs and the neighbour’s dogs violently barking. I went outside to check on my pets and there was a male intruder in my backyard holding my dog by the neck with a rope.

“As he jumped my gate to escape, I ran out the front to get my neighbour’s help and we witnessed two males fleeing down my street.”

A black staffordshire terrier and maltese shih-tzu cross were baited and stolen from a Werribee home on March 27. Their bodies were later found.

Anyone with information about Tiny can call 0412 248 599. Anyone with information for police can call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.