Dogged campaign for more Wyndham puppy-raisers

Wyndham residents are being urged to consider opening their homes, and hearts, to an assistance puppy.

Labrador Dee Dee recently gave birth to a litter of seven and Assistance Dogs Australia is looking for carers for them.

Trainer Dee Moore said raising an assistance dog allowed people to give back to the community, with the added bonus of caring for a cute puppy.

“Puppy-raisers and sitters will teach these pups to undertake tasks that are difficult, or even impossible, for people with physical disabilities,’’ she said.

‘‘They’ll teach them to pick up all sorts of objects, such as mobile phones and keys, and make sure they’re able to alert bark when required.

‘‘You can also take the pups to the shops, cafes, on public transport and even to the cinema as it is all these experiences that will help them become an assistance dog.”

Ms Moore will help train the puppies, who will stay in their new homes for 14 months before going to Sydney for advanced training.
