Point Cook extension plan gets tick for next stage

Plans to extend Point Cook are a step closer, with Wyndham council writing to the Metropolitan Planning Authority (MPA) to give support for studies needed to develop new precinct structure plans (PSPs).

The plans do not involve green wedge land, as previously reported.

Councillors agreed last month to write to the MPA about a site bordering Hacketts, Aviation and Point Cook roads.

The 443-hectare site was brought inside the urban growth boundary by Planning Minister Matthew Guy in 2012, paving the way for future residential development, on the recommendation of the council. The studies will focus on biodiversity, drainage, wetland retention, and effects on traffic and other infrastructure in existing communities.

The move to write to the MPA was triggered by recent state government announcements about improving Point Cook’s roads and public transport.

The area is likely to be developed into two PSPs, including a small one for the Lincoln Heath South area and a larger one in Point Cook’s south.

The PSPs will be prepared by the MPA following discussions between a ‘logical inclusions working party’, landowners and the council. Cr Glenn Goodfellow said the council’s support of the proposal had been “subject to part of it being used to create a buffer between residential and agricultural land”.

“Planning for this area is included as a low priority in our growth management strategy based on congestion and lack of transport infrastructure,’’ he said. ‘‘What we have demonstrated in this case is that our strategy for managing residential growth is flexible when circumstances change.”

» wyndham.vic.gov.au