Get Wyndham Moving: Fed-up student joins campaign

Cameron Nash got so fed up with travelling on infrequent buses snaking their way along Wyndham’s congested roads that he bought himself a car.

The Wyndham Vale university student used to rely on bus services to take him to Werribee station, where he catches the first of two trains to Hawthorn’s Swinburne University.

But the trip began to drag out as buses started to take less direct routes and became stuck in traffic.

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Mr Nash, 21, is one of 12 transport “champions” who have signed up to the council’s Get Wyndham Moving campaign, which urges the state government to provide funding to improve roads and public transport in the city.

He is calling on other young people to add their voices by writing to local MPs and sharing stories of their public transport experiences on social media.

“Young people make up a large segment of public transport users in Wyndham,” Mr Nash said. “It’s a frustrating experience, getting around on public transport in Wyndham – that’s why I decided to get involved.”

Mr Nash said timetable changes meant a bus trip from Wyndham Vale to Werribee Plaza had blown out from 10 minutes to 40 minutes.

“Buses are infrequent and don’t take direct routes,” he said. “And they don’t connect with trains.”